The name kind of gives it away, but divers will see a number of giant clams while exploring the Clam Gardens. Located on the Ribbon Reefs, north of Cairns, the giant clams at the Clam Gardens are set in a very pretty coral garden, dominated by a range of healthy hard and soft corals!
This site is home to an abundance of reef fish, including angelfish, butterflyfish, lionfish, rabbitfish, trumpetfish, rock cods and many others. Numerous invertebrate species are also common at this site; divers will find octopus, cuttlefish, sea stars and many colourful nudibranchs. Larger species found at the Clam Gardens include Maori wrasse, barracuda and giant moray eels.
Scuba Diving
Disabled access available, contact operator for details.
Clam Gardens Dive Site
Ribbon Reef,
Cairns Area
Content Provided By Tropical Tourism North Queensland