Curtis Falls track, Tamborine National Park

Tamborine, Logan City Area


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Enjoy an enchanting walk through wet eucalypt forest beneath towering flooded gums and into cool and lush rainforest. Look for the beautiful crows nest and staghorn ferns in the canopy, and stop to marvel at the intricate strangler fig.

The first view of the falls will take your breath away. Depending on the season, a raging torrent or gentle curtain of water tumbles over huge basalt columns to the pool below. The columns are the legacy of the region's rich volcanic history. Only a short 1km, this track is still considered a Grade 3 walk, so check your fitness beforehand.

Look for basking turtles on fallen logs and see fish and eels in the rock pool. If you’re lucky you might see the local platypus. At night, look for glow-worms in the surrounding cliffs.

Note that access to the Curtis Falls rock pool and surrounding area is not permitted—it is a restricted access area for visitor safety and protection of glow-worm and platypus populations.

Journey Details

1 KM Total
0 Minutes Total

Full Itinerary

Curtis Falls track, Tamborine National Park

Mode of Travel:


Route Type:

Return over same path

Enjoy an enchanting walk through wet eucalypt forest beneath towering flooded gums and into cool and lush rainforest. Look for the beautiful crows nest and staghorn ferns in the canopy, and stop to marvel at the intricate strangler fig.

The first view of the falls will take your breath away. Depending on the season, a raging torrent or gentle curtain of water tumbles over huge basalt columns to the pool below. The columns are the legacy of the region's rich volcanic history. Only a short 1km, this track is still considered a Grade 3 walk, so check your fitness beforehand.

Look for basking turtles on fallen logs and see fish and eels in the rock pool. At night, look for glow-worms in the surrounding cliffs.

Note that access to the Curtis Falls rock pool and surrounding area is not permitted—it is a restricted access area for the safety of visitors and the protection of glow-worm and platypus populations.

This walk is managed by the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service. The map only shows an indicative start point; the track route and end point are not shown, and the map cannot be used for navigation purposes. See the website for detailed maps and the latest park information. When you are in the park, read the signs at and near the start of the track.

Couple at viewing deck at base of Curtis Falls.
Couple of viewing deck at base of falls.

Curtis Falls track, Tamborine National Park

Dapsang Drive car park,
Joalah section, Tamborine National Park ,
Tamborine, Logan City Area
Queensland 4270

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Content Provided By Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DESI)

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