Nullawokka First Nations Tours

Bollon, Balonne Area


Get in touch

Nullawokka First Nations Tours is based in Bollon, south-west Queensland. The company is owned and operated by Bill Speedy, a descendant of the local Gwamu/Kooma First Nations people.

Join one of Bill's cultural walks along the scenic Wallam Creek and learn how to track animals, find bush medicine and discover traditional scar trees. Bill's entertaining and educational tours introduce you to First Nations culture and some local history, finishing with a gourmet bush tucker tasting.

Personalised 4WD tours to significant sites in the area are available on request.



Bollon Cultural Walking Tour

Conducted by a descendant of the local Gwamu/Kooma people, this two hour walking tour will introduce you to the culture and history of the Bollon area.

Walking along the banks of the beautiful Wallam Creek you will discover the historic Yumba area, view scar trees and other sites of significance for the Gwamu/Kooma people, learn to track animals and find bush medicine.

You'll get the chance to try your hand at throwing a boomerang and taste some local bush tucker.

Bookings are essential.

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  • Start location: 39 Main Street,Bollon,4488
  • End location: Same as start location


  • From $110, To $110

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  • Accessibility: Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

Gwamu/Kooma Cultural Sites 4WD Tour

Join your Gwamu/Kooma guide Bill Speedy to explore traditional First Nations sites of significance in the Bollon area.

This exclusive driving tour will reveal traditional practices and day to day life of the Gwamu/Kooma people. You will visit places of cultural and historic significance, view ancient grinding pads and discover the deep connection First Nations people have to country.

A gourmet bush tucker morning tea is included in each tour.

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  • Accessibility: Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

Sunset on the Claypan

This exclusive tour travels to a secret location to watch the sun set. On an ancient red clay pan, where Gwamu/Kooma people have wandered for over 60,000 years, your First Nations guide will introduce you to some traditional dances and instruct you in the art of boomerang throwing.

Listen to the haunting sound of the yidaki (didgeridoo) echo over the vast landscape and toast another beautiful Bollon sunset while enjoying some bush tucker nibbles.

Find out more


  • Start location: 39 Main Street,Bollon,4488
  • End location: Same as start location


  • From $129, To $149
  • Comments: This exclusive tour is limited to a maximum of 8 people. You have the option of travelling to our secret viewing location with your guide ($149 per person, 4 places available) or tagging along in your own vehicle ($129, 4 places available).

More information

  • Accessibility: Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

Nullawokka First Nations Tours

39 Main Street,
Bollon, Balonne Area
Queensland 4488

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Content Provided By Nullawokka Gallery & Tours

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