Big Cane Toad

Sarina, Mackay Area


His scientific name is Bufo Marinus, but the locals have nicknamed him 'Buffy'.

Situated in the town centre of Sarina, approximately 35 kilometres south of Mackay, Buffy is a large Cane Toad statue. It was originally crafted out of paper mache in 1983 to become a float for a sugar festival. It was later cast in fibreglass to become a fixture in the town, in recognition of Sarina's cane farming history.

Buffy is located on Broad Street, which is also the Bruce Highway, the main road that passes through the middle of the town of Sarina. It sits in-between the north and south bound lanes.

Facilities close to Buffy include angled parking, public toilets, a gazebo, rubbish bins and picnic tables under trees for shade, making it a lovely area to stop for a picnic, and a photo with this iconic big statue.

Big Cane Toad

Broad Street,
Sarina, Mackay Area
Queensland 4737

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Content Provided By Mackay Isaac Region


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