Julia Creek Free RV Park

Julia Creek, McKinlay Area


Get in touch

Julia Creek is an RV Friendly town and has a designated free camping area alongside the water’s edge of Julia Creek. This area is suitable for self-contained RV’s and is located 1.3km on the eastern side of town. Picnic tables, bush cook camps and bins are provided. This is a relaxing area to enjoy some cheese and wine and watch the beautiful Julia Creek sunsets.

Free permits (valid 96 hrs) can now be obtained from the onsite Camp Hosts during peak tourist season (April to September) or from the Julia Creek Visitor Information Centre from October to March.

Bright coloured cruiser bikes are now available for free hire from the site. Theses bikes can be used to travel into town on the fully sealed walking/riding track, through town for a leisurely ride to get groceries, go for a picnic or do some sight seeing.



  • Does not cater for people with access needs.

Julia Creek Free RV Park

Punchbowl Road,
Julia Creek, McKinlay Area
Queensland 4823

Get Directions

Content Provided By Julia Creek Visitor Information Centre

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