Whale season in Hervey Bay, Fraser Coast, Queensland


Supporting the Industry
List Your Business

How do I list my business on Queensland.com?

To list your business on Queensland.com and a number of other travel websites, simply subscribe to the Australia Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW).

What are the benefits?

  1. ATDW provides your business with exposure, so you are visible when customers are making important travel decisions. Your information will be listed on key travel websites including Queensland.comAustralia.com and many more.
  2. Tourism products receive assessment in the Best of Queensland Experiences Program. This means you'll receive an individual report providing valuable consumer insights on your business worth more than $1,000. Note – this program is currently on hold but we expect to re-commence soon.
  3. You only have to upload your business once into ATDW-Online, saving you time. Once uploaded your business information automatically flows through to the ATDW distributor websites (including Queensland.com) for customers to see. You can update your information in ATDW-Online easily at any time. 
  4. ATDW membership enables you to promote your Holiday Deals on Queensland.com. 

Registering an account

  1. Go to ATDW-Online
  2. To create your new account, click the Register Now button. If you already have an account, Login with your username (email address) and password and skip to the instructions for Creating a listing.
  3. Select Tourism Operator as your Account Type and click Continue at the bottom of screen.
  4. Complete the Organisation Information template with all relevant fields (ABN is not mandatory). This information should reflect the address and contact information of your business or organisation.
  5. Complete the Personal Information template. Additional users can be added to an organisation to allow multiple people access to the one listing / account.
  6. Read and accept the Terms & Conditions.

Creating a listing

  1. Click Let’s Go to create your first listing (or Add New Listing if you already have at least one listing).
  2. Select your desired Listing Type (read the ATDW Listing Guidelines if you are unsure which type is suited to your business).
  3. Complete all relevant fields for your listing and click the Send for Review button when completed. NB: Mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk symbol in the left orange navigation panel.
  4. If required, confirm your billing details and continue to the next page to choose your payment method.
  5. Enter your coupon code (if obtained through a membership or partnership with your Regional Tourism Organisation) and select Apply Coupon. If you don't have a coupon code, select Pay with Card or Pay with BPAY. Listing fees are outlined below.
  6. Once your payment is received, your listing will be reviewed within 1-2 business days before being published to queensland.com and other sites on the ATDW network.

What are the costs?

In response to the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis facing the state's tourism and events industry, Tourism and Events Queensland, in partnership with Queensland's regional tourism organisations, is currently offering ATDW membership with no annual fee, providing a saving of $150 per year. This offer is available to all tourism and events operators in Queensland. Operators looking to take up this offer should visit www.atdw-online.com.au and click 'Register Now' in the top right corner to create an ATDW listing. For existing ATDW members, there is no action to take.

Event Listings 

List your upcoming event on the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) for free! Your event listing will then appear on Queensland.com and other distributor websites. To list your event you must first register as a user of ATDW-Online by creating an account to manage your ATDW listing.  Please ensure to select “Event” as your “Listing Type”.

Visit https://www.atdw-online.com.au to register now or to sign in to update your existing listing.

For More Information

Please contact TEQ’s dedicated ATDW Support Team and they can help get your business listed.  

Email:  TEQ ATDW Team

Advertising Opportunities 

A range of opportunities exist for ATDW subscribers to advertise to a highly targeted audience. To learn more, please speak to IMATE, the Industry Media Agency for Tourism and Events in Queensland. Please visit the IMATE website.

Holiday Deals

Uploading a deal to ATDW is a great way for you to get further exposure on Queensland.com as well as througout our markting activity.

A Holiday Deal is an offer that provides value to the consumer through either a lower than normally advertised rack rate or additional value included. Types of deals that can be uploaded include a discount, special rate, bonus offer or package deal. 

To upload a deal, simply log into your ATDW account and look for ‘Deals and Offers’ on the left hand side.

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