
Thargomindah, Bulloo Area


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Thargomindah provides the perfect launch pad for Cameron Corner – the point where three Australian states meet – the iconic Burke and Wills ‘Dig’ Tree at Cooper Creek and historic hotels at Noccundra and Hungerford. Purchase a 'swipe card' from the Visitor Information Centre in Thargomindah and take a self-guided tour of Australia’s first hydroelectricity system driven by artesian water pressure, the historic Old Hospital and the Old Jail, or enjoy fabulous birdwatching and nature activities at the unique Lake Bindegolly and Currawinya National Parks. Take your car (and caravan), motorcycle or four-wheel drive to Thargomindah.

The Adventure Way is a sealed road from Brisbane to Thargomindah and beyond to with only 14 kilometres of unsealed road to the historic Burke and Wills ‘Dig’ Tree. It is the ideal touring route to or from South Australia via the famous Strzelecki Track and the Flinders Ranges.

Become an explorer! Discover the natural beauty and unique qualities of Queensland’s southwest by following in the footsteps of Cobb and Co. Enjoy pristine river systems in your own boat or canoe, fish for famous yellowbelly or catch delectable yabbies. If you’re lucky, you may spot the rare grey grass wren in the lignum or Bourke’s parrot along the Bulloo River.

Enjoy the thrill of exploring deserts, gibber and flood plains in your four-wheel drive or motorcycle. Stay on cattle stations and drive the ‘back track’ to Lake Wyara. Ask about the shortcut to Cameron Corner and discover seasonal wildflowers. There is plenty of adventures around Thargomindah!

Vincent Dowling’s decision in 1864 to establish a pastoral lease (which he named ‘Thargomindah Station’) resulted in a town of the same name being gazetted in 1874. Today, Thargomindah is a modern country town with the most services a visitor would expect.

Thargomindah retains much of its bush character with nicknames in common use! Say hello to the Mayor ‘Tractor’ Ferguson, or ‘Duck’ and ‘Daisy’ who own the Bulloo River Hotel.


37 Dowling Street,
Thargomindah, Bulloo Area
Queensland 4492

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Content Provided By Thargomindah Visitor Information Centre

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