Wynnum North Mangrove Circuit

Wynnum, Brisbane Area


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An elevated walkway winding through the forest, the Wynnum North Mangrove Circuit enables visitors to observe at close hand the plants and animals of the mangroves.

There is seating along the way, and a vantage point located at the seaward end of the boardwalk provides sweeping views of Moreton Bay and some of its islands.

To find it: follow Wynnum Road, past the intersection of Tingal Road onto Glenora Street. Turn left into Granada Street and follow the road to the signposted entrance in Elanora Park.

Journey Details

1 KM Total
0 Minutes Total

Full Itinerary

Wynnum North Mangrove Circuit

Mode of Travel:


Route Type:

Return over same path

An elevated walkway winding through the forest, enabling visitors to observe at close hand the plants and animals of the mangroves. There is seating along the way, and a vantage point located at the seaward end of the boardwalk provides sweeping views of Moreton Bay and some of its islands.

Mangrove Circuit

Wynnum North Mangrove Circuit

Bayside Parklands,
Wynnum, Brisbane Area
Queensland 4178

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Content Provided By Brisbane Economic Development Agency

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