Greenmount Homestead

Greenmount, Mackay Area


Greenmount Homestead (five kilometres west of Walkerston) is one of Mackay's most valued historic attractions.

Greenmount was developed by AA Cook on the cattle run first taken up by Captain John Mackay and was gifted to the city by the Cook Family in 1984.

The grounds contain a number of buildings including a 1915 Queenslander homestead, which houses intact a collection of more than 20,000 historical items.

The gardens and grounds played an important role in Cook family life, and feature a formal front garden, fernery and arbour.

Greenmount Homestead

Greenmount Homestead

139 Greenmount Road,
Greenmount, Mackay Area
Queensland 4751

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Content Provided By Mackay Regional Council - Museums
