
Yowah, Paroo Area


Yowah is ‘The Friendly Opal Field’ 165 kilometres west of Cunnamulla. It is the home of the Yowah Opal Nut and the Ironstone Matrix Opal, an opal type to be found only in this part of Queensland.

Opal was first discovered here towards the end of the 19th century and production still continues. It could be your lucky day, so stay a while. This hard red country that produces some of the world’s most spectacular opal also produces a stunning display of wildflowers.

Stay at the Artesian Waters Caravan Park and then set about enjoying your time in this small community. Try your hand at fossicking to find your own colour in the fossicking area adjacent to the town. And if you have no luck finding opal yourself, then take a tour of the towns many small scale opal shops and buy directly from one of the mining families.

You can test your skills on the Golf Course, have a game of tennis and rest afterwards with a coffee at the RTC Cafe or at the Artesian Waters before sharing a meal at the Community Fireside Barbecue where everyone is made feel welcome. Enjoy a “borebath” in the Artesian Waters open air baths under the painting of stars which use the sky as their canvas. You can also soak in the community Artesian Pools during your visit to Yowah

Yowah Opals


Yowah, Paroo Area
Queensland 4490

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Content Provided By Paroo Shire Council


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Tourism and Events Queensland
Queensland Government
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