Crayfish Beach campsite, Hook Island

Airlie Beach, Whitsunday Area


Crayfish Beach is situated on the eastern side of Hook Island, nestled between two large mountains. This stunning location features lush bushland, sandy shores, crystal-clear waters, and a vibrant coral reef. The beach is sheltered from the prevailing south-easterly winds, making it an ideal campsite.

Just a few meters offshore, you can explore an expansive fringing reef flat that provides excellent conditions for snorkeling and drift diving. Spend a leisurely afternoon kayaking or canoeing in the deep blue waters of the Coral Sea while discovering the surrounding bays of Hook Island.

The camping area is surrounded by beach vegetation and includes a small seasonal creek that flows through the site to the beach on the north-western side of the bay, depending on rainfall. The campsite surface consists of sand and dirt.

To camp at Crayfish Beach, a camping permit is required. The campground has a capacity for 12 people, accommodating up to six small tents. Please note that open fires are not permitted in the Whitsunday Islands National Park.

Crayfish Beach can be accessed by boat during mid to high tide.

Crayfish Beach campsite, Hook Island

Crayfish Bay, Hook Island, Whitusnday Islands,
Airlie Beach, Whitsunday Area
Queensland 4802

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Content Provided By Tourism Whitsundays


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