Greyhound Australia - Hervey Bay

Hervey Bay, Fraser Coast Area


Greyhound Australia, truly explores every inch of Australia's vast beauty, Covering Queensland from the Gold Coast to Brisbane, up to the Sunshine Coast and all the way to Cairns. They also have services that run from Brisbane to Toowoomba, and Rockhampton to Longreach. As well, they cross the New South Wales border for a quick trip to Byron Bay.

Experience authentic Australia connected by those who are uniquely Australian. From their hometown of Toowoomba in Queensland, they now travel to over 180 stops around the country with services in every mainland state and territory. Take in the rugged landscapes of city, coast and country as you relax in your reclining seat onboard the modern, environmentally-friendly Greyhounds and let us drive.

From selecting your seat online, enjoying the free onboard WiFi, to stepping off at your destination, you’ll feel the difference that almost 100 years of experience makes.

Track your journey in real-time, keep your devices topped up with USB chargers, and redeem free travel with the Greyhound Rewards program. Plan the ultimate escape with our flexible travel passes, packages, and experiences available right around the country.

Feel welcomed, feel cared for, feel excited for what’s next. Throughout every Greyhound journey, feel the heart of Australia.

Luxury coach travel City, Coast, Country

Greyhound Australia - Hervey Bay

6 Central Avenue,
Bus Bays, Stocklands Hervey Bay,
Hervey Bay, Fraser Coast Area
Queensland 4655

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Content Provided By Greyhound Australia


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Queensland Government
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