Pinnacles Gallery

Thuringowa Central, Townsville Area


Pinnacles Gallery is a dynamic art space committed to offering a diverse exhibition program with a strong community focus. Pinnacles Gallery is located in Townsville's premier Riverway precinct in Thuringowa, providing a perfect backdrop for you to enjoy local and touring exhibitions of visual arts, craft, social history and more.

Once you have browsed the latest exhibition, take a swim in Riverway lagoon, stroll along the riverfront under the shade of the large rain trees or catch a performance at the Riverway Arts Centre.

Pinnacles Gallery

Pinnacles Gallery

20 Village Boulevard,
Thuringowa Central, Townsville Area
Queensland 4817

Get Directions

Content Provided By Townsville Enterprise


퀸즈랜드주 관광청은 전통적인 국가의 소유자를 인정하며 자연, 문화 및 지역사회와의 동반자 관계임을 인정합니다. 우리는 과거, 현재, 그리고 미래의 장로들에게 경의를 표합니다.

Tourism and Events Queensland
Queensland Government
Tourism & Events Queensland ©