Girraween National Park

Ballandean, Southern Downs Area


Huge granite boulders tower above open forests in the spectacular and popular Girraween National Park, outside Stanthorpe in southern Queensland. Campsites and options are plentiful, with several unique camping areas to choose from. Explore the park on almost 30 kilometres of walking tracks.

Stroll the 280 metre Wyberba Walk alongside Bald Rock Creek; capture your own snap of the famed Granite Arch; climb The Pyramid for great views over the park; or spend the day walking to granite monoliths or waterholes along the creek. Learn from displays in the visitor information centre and at the day-use area.

Wildflowers in spring are a sign to behold! Gaze at changing reflections in the rock pools or go birdwatching for blue wrens, rare turquoise parrots and other forest birds. Spy bearded dragons and jacky lizards on the granite rocks, soaking up the sun. Go spotlighting at night to see ringtail possums high in the eucalypt trees. There is much to do in Girraween, and if you are lucky, you may see a wombat or hear superb lyrebirds imitating the calls of other birds.

An impressive granite rock formation gives the impression of a balancing rock.

Girraween National Park

Pyramids Road,
Girraween National Park,
Ballandean, Southern Downs Area
Queensland 4382

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Content Provided By Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DESI)


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Tourism and Events Queensland
Queensland Government
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