Chillagoe-Mungana Caves National Park

Chillagoe, Tablelands Area


Featuring spectacular limestone caves, small galleries of Aboriginal rock art, jagged limestone outcrops and an historically significant mining site, this park is rich in natural and cultural heritage.

Scientists believe the Chillagoe landscape began to form about 400 million years ago, when the area was covered by a shallow sea. Today that limestone towers over the surrounding plains as outcrops while underground, limestone that's been weathered, dissolved and re-formed by water to create spectacular caverns and passages, decorated by secondary deposits, including stalactites, stalagmites and flowstones.

Join a Ranger on a guided cave tour to view splendid limestone formations. Ranger-guided tours to Donna, Trezkinn and Royal Arch caves operate daily, except Christmas Day.

If you are adventurous and well-prepared you can explore other caves and Aboriginal art sites on your own. Walk the nine kilometre return track to Royal Arch bluff or the short 440 metre return track to Balancing Rock. Visit the viewing area at the Chillagoe Smelters and learn about the State's mining and industrial heritage dating back to the 1890s.

Chillagoe-Mungana Caves National Park

Burke Developmental Road,
Chillagoe, Tablelands Area
Queensland 4871

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Content Provided By Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DESI)


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Queensland Government
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