Woodgate Beach Community Park and Playground

Woodgate, Bundaberg Area


The Woodgate Beach Park and Playground is located on the waterfront offering stunning views of the coastline. The park offers a covered picnic area and play equipment, and is conveniently located beside the Woodgate Library and Community Hall, and the popular Woodgate Club.

Woodgate Beach boasts 16 kilometres of white sandy beaches surrounded by 20,000 hectares of National Park. Woodgate Beach is situated 38 kilometres off the Bruce Highway along with Goodwood and Woodgate Roads (all bitumen).

You will find a prolific number of birds including emus, brolgas and jabiru together with kangaroos, wallabies, echidnas, possums and reptiles which all inhabit the National Park and surrounding areas.

Unwind, relax and enjoy a natural experience at Woodgate Beach.


Woodgate Beach Community Park and Playground

64 Esplanade,
Woodgate, Bundaberg Area
Queensland 4660

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Content Provided By Bundaberg Tourism


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