Pixie Pinnacle Dive Site

Cairns, Cairns Area


Situated on the Ribbon Reefs off the coast of Cooktown, hop on a livaboard dive boat in Cairns to discover Pixie Pinnacle. At 30 metres tall and about 15 metres across, Pixie Pinnacle is a pyramid of coral and marine life, with its peak sitting two metres under the water’s surface!

Dive down the pinnacle’s gently sloping edges to discover a huge range of hard and soft corals, gorgonians, sea whips and sponges. Visit some of the many caves and overhangs to greet the resident lionfish, moray eels, shrimp, anemones with their clownfish, and the amazing flaming file shells. Pelagic fish often engulf the top of Pixie Pinnacle, with divers surrounded by surgeonfish, trevally and barracuda.

Pixie Pinnacle

Pixie Pinnacle Dive Site

Ribbon Reefs,
Cairns, Cairns Area
Queensland 4870

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Content Provided By Tropical Tourism North Queensland


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