Maori Wrasse Bommie Dive Site

Lady Elliot Island, Bundaberg Area


Maori Wrasse Bommie off Lady Elliot Island is named after the family of Maori wrasse that call the area home. The site is located 14 to 18 metres beneath the surface and is ideal for intermediate divers looking to explore – reef sharks can often be spotted patrolling the reef wall and arches near the bommie, and just north of the wall is Spiders Ledge, named for the number of shells that decorate the outcrop. If you’re a keen-eyed diver, you may be lucky enough to spot the shy barramundi cod and the brightly coloured clown triggerfish darting among the coral.

Maori Wrasse Bommie Dive Site

Lady Elliot Island,
Lady Elliot Island, Bundaberg Area
Queensland 4805

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