The Condensery - The Somerset Regional Art Gallery

Toogoolawah, Somerset Area


The Condensery Somerset Regional Art Gallery is a unique cultural precinct, formerly home to the Nestle condensed milk factory packing facility in Toogoolawah, Queensland. It was officially opened to the public on Wednesday 2 December 2015.

The Condensery is a producer and presenter of contemporary visual arts content and is committed to showcasing work by living artists that diversifies the experiences, knowledge and capacity of the community and visitors. Through the presentation of exhibitions, arts education and public programs, The Condensery has become a creative and cultural hub for community and visitors alike.

Owned and operated by Somerset Regional Council, the gallery supports local creatives through employment and exhibitions, and provides access to creative development opportunities for all.

The Condensery - The Somerset Regional Art Gallery

29 Factory Road,
Toogoolawah, Somerset Area
Queensland 4313

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Content Provided By Experience Somerset- Somerset Regional Council


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Queensland Government
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