Around The Bend Dive Site

Cairns, Cairns Area


A bend in the reef at Osprey Reef gave this site its name, and it is well worth going Around The Bend at this exciting dive site. Often washed by currents, so generally done as a drift dive, Around The Bend is a plateau at the top of the reef wall with gutters, ridges and bommies to explore in depths to 30 metres.

The main feature of the site is a pretty bommie covered in soft corals and gorgonians. A cleaning station, this bommie attracts every fish in the neighbourhood for a daily clean, including passing manta rays. This is the best site to observe graceful manta rays at Osprey Reef, and when getting cleaned they hover over the bommie for minutes at a time, allowing divers to closely inspect them. Around The Bend is also a good site to see reef sharks, pelagic fish and turtles.

Around The Bend Dive Site

Around The Bend Dive Site

Osprey Reef,
Cairns, Cairns Area
Queensland 4870

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Content Provided By Tropical Tourism North Queensland


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