Thomson River

Jundah, Barcoo Area


The Thomson River meanders through the Barcoo Shire before reaching the junction of the Barcoo River, feeding into Cooper's Creek in outback Queensland, and is a major part in contributing to the channel country. The Thomson passes the outskirts of the township of Jundah, 218 kilometres south east of Longreach.

The Thomson River offers free camping, with shady trees on the banks of the river, birdwatching and fishing are a must, all within site of town, and is an easy walking distance for a relaxing coffee at the local store, a meal at the pub, or drop into the local Visitor Information Centre to have a browse.

The Thomson River at Jundah is a great family attraction, for our locals and visitors alike

Thomson River

Jundah, Barcoo Area
Queensland 4736

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Content Provided By Windorah Visitor Information Centre


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Queensland Government
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