Walshs Pyramid

Aloomba, Cairns Area


Located at the northern end of Wooroonooran National Park and 25 kilometres south of Cairns, Walshs Pyramid is a granite core left standing in the form of a pointed hill!

The track up Walshs Pyramid is steep and rocky, with stunted vegetation that offers no shade. Although a difficult track, walkers who make it to the summit are rewarded with stunning 360 degree views of the surrounding ranges and local landscape. The track is 6 kilometres return and you should allow five to six hours to complete the walk.

It is recommended that walkers take plenty of water, wear sunscreen and a hat, and start the walk in the morning to be sure of returning before it gets dark.

Walshs Pyramid

Moss Access,
via Bruce Highway,
Aloomba, Cairns Area
Queensland 4871

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Content Provided By Tropical Tourism North Queensland


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