Osprey Reef

Cairns, Cairns Area


Osprey Reef is one of the most spectacular dive sites in the world, located off Cairns in the Coral Sea. The North Horn site on the reef is a remote sea mount rising 1000 metres from the ocean floor.

There are spectacular wall drop-offs, amazing visibility and a popular shark-feeding location. The northern most point attracts many reef fish and many pelagic species including barracuda, dogtooth tuna and mackerel. White-tips and Grey Whalers cruise off the wall and Hammerheads and Oceanic Silver tips often come in from deep water to check out the action.

Osprey Reef

Osprey Reef

Osprey Reef, Coral Sea,
Cairns, Cairns Area
Queensland 4870

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Content Provided By Tropical Tourism North Queensland


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