Spring Creek Falls

Mowbray, Douglas Area


Hidden away in the secluded Mowbray Valley, Spring Creek Falls is a popular swimming spot amongst the locals. At the end of Spring Creek Road lies the beginning of the walk to the falls. With no specific path, simply follow the creek along to the falls – there’s plenty of small waterholes and waterfalls along the way. Exercise caution on the uneven and rocky ground on your way up.

Once arrived, relax and enjoy a swim in the deep rock pools. Be sure to bring plenty of water and some food up with you as the trek is approximately 1.5 to 2 hours each way.

With its diverse wilderness and abundant national parks, Tropical North Queensland is home to many beautiful waterfalls and swimming holes. It’s important to always follow the advice from Queensland Parks and never venture into out of bounds areas, flooded waters or dangerous areas to prevent serious injury or death.

Spring Creek Falls

Spring Creek Road,
Mowbray, Douglas Area
Queensland 4877

Get Directions

Content Provided By Tropical Tourism North Queensland


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