The Lash Spa - Gold Coast Eyelash Extensions and Brows

Varsity Lakes, Gold Coast Area


They are a boutique Gold Coast eyelash extension and brow salon created to serve your lash extension needs with a relaxing experience and superior quality service.

Their guests love their full-size floral wall, pink vintage phone booth, fully stocked lolly bar and velvet-lined private treatment rooms. They are a favourite stop for Hollywood A-listers when they visit the Gold Coast!

Kick back with a glass of iced tea, soft lighting and aromatherapy while their Master Lash Technicians create your custom lash look.

The Lash Spa - Gold Coast Eyelash Extensions and Brows

220 Varsity Parade,
Varsity Lakes, Gold Coast Area
Queensland 4227

Get Directions

Content Provided By The Lash Spa Australia


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