John Scott Park

Samford Village, Moreton Bay Area


A short drive north of Brisbane City, in a quaint hinterland village, John Scott Park is an idyllic location for a family picnic or BBQ. The park offers segmented playgrounds for smaller kids, bigger kids and is bordered on two sides by green space, ideal for a little family football or cricket.

The park features covered barbecue areas that overlook the toddler play space, wheelchair accessible toilets, rope structures, climbing walls, slides and a beautiful red train that children can board, drive and climb all over. The toddler area also boasts a variety of slides, rockers and low climbing structures plus shaded seating areas for watchful parents to keep an eye on their little ones.

Park facilities include picnic shelters, barbecue, fenced playground, toilets and is wheelchair accessible.

John Scott Park

33 Main Street,
Samford Village, Moreton Bay Area
Queensland 4520

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Queensland Government
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