Hughenden Recreational Lake

Hughenden, Flinders Area


The Hughenden Recreational Lake was constructed in 2019 and jointly funded by the Australian Government under the Building Better Regions Fund and Flinders Shire Council.

The Hughenden Recreational Lake is a multiple-use lake shared by boaters, water skiers, kayakers, rowers and swimmers. They welcome all visitors to the Flinders Shire region and encourage you to enjoy the facilities and your time on the water.

At the Hughenden Recreational Lake you can enjoy:

Picnicking and barbecues


Boating and water-skiing

Non-motorised watercraft activities (canoeing, kayaking and rowing)


Shaded playground


Actively welcomes people with access needs.

  • Caters for people who use a wheelchair.
Hughenden Lake

Hughenden Recreational Lake

Bones Memorial Drive,
Hughenden, Flinders Area
Queensland 4821

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Content Provided By Flinders Discovery Centre


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Queensland Government
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