Pile Valley Circuit

K'gari, Fraser Coast Area


The Pile Valley circuit is a four-kilometre circuit that will take you to another world where giant K'gari (formerly Fraser Island) Satinay (hardwood) trees will tower over you having watched over this space for centuries. During the late 1800s and early 1900s, borer-resistant timber was popular for wharves and jetties from Australia to London. The significance of the Pile Valley was recognised when it was declared a beauty spot in 1937.

The return route is through the sun-dappled rainforest and hoop pine plantation back to the day-use area. This Park is part of the K'gari World Heritage Area, famed for its exceptional natural beauty, outstanding examples of coastal dune landform development and evolutionary history.

From the Central Station, day-use area takes the Wanggoolba Creek boardwalk for about 100 metres to the turn-off to Pile Valley. Allow for around two hours of walking time.

Pile Valley Circuit

Central Station day area,
K'gari, Fraser Coast Area
Queensland 4581

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Content Provided By Fraser Coast Tourism and Events


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Queensland Government
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