2025 Mount Isa Mines Indigenous Rodeo Championships

Pioneer, Mount Isa Area


10 August 2025

The Mount Isa Mines Indigenous Rodeo Championships has been designed as a stand alone rodeo event with its own unique event personality and vision. It will shine a spotlight on indigenous rodeo athletes, giving greater visibility to their skills and the stories of learning these skills through generations.

The Mount Isa Mines Indigenous Rodeo Championships will connect visitors to the northwest Queensland region, the Kalkadoon people, their stories and culture as well as the visiting indigenous communities from across Queensland and Australia. Create lasting memories, discovery and learning, a new opportunity to celebrate the many visiting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities through sport, song and dance, art and storytelling. It was also designed to give greater visibility to the many talented Indigenous athletes competing in a sport loved by so many.

2025 Mount Isa Mines Indigenous Rodeo Championships

George Street,
Pioneer, Mount Isa Area
Queensland 4825

Get Directions

Content Provided By The Mt Isa Pro Rodeo


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Queensland Government
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