Hervey Bay Whale Watch

Hervey Bay, Fraser Coast Area


The Hervey Bay Boat Club's world-class whale-watching tour departs daily aboard the recently upgraded vessel Amaroo. Hervey Bay is the best destination in the world to watch humpback whales, and the Amaroo is perfectly suited for navigating the waters of the area, the worlds first Whale Heritage site!

This tour has been awarded best of Queensland experience as voted by travellers!

The tour takes place from a purpose-built whale-watching vessel the Amaroo, a comfortable and very stable 20 metre (66-foot) powered catamaran with 3 view decks and all the facilities you need for a great day on the ocean, including washrooms, and a snack plus licensed bar

The Amaroo is captained and crewed by their highly trained and experienced local team. They are passionate about the whales and will provide expert commentary on their behaviour and the history of Hervey Bay.

By booking a whale watch with them you are also entitled to a discount on meals and beverages at the Hervey Bay Boat Club, one of the region's premier dining venues and our departure point for the cruise.


Hervey Bay Whale Watch

The Hervey Bay Boat Club's world-class whale watching tour departs daily aboard the recently upgraded vessel Amaroo. Hervey Bay is the best destination in the world to watch humpback whales, and the Amaroo is perfectly suited for navigating the waters of the area, the worlds first Whale Heritage site!

This half-day (4 hour) whale watch cruise departs twice daily at 8:30am and 1:30pm, from mid-July to late October.

The tour takes place from the purpose-built whale watching vessel the Amaroo, a comfortable and stable 20 metre catamaran with 3 view decks and all the facilities you need for a great day on the ocean.

The Amaroo is captained and crewed by our highly trained and experienced local team. They are passionate about the whales and will provide expert commentary on their behaviour and the history of Hervey Bay.

By booking a whale watch with us you are also entitled to a discount on meals and beverages at the Hervey Bay Boat Club, one of the region's premier dining venues and our departure point for the cruise.

Find out more


  • Start location: 3 Buccaneer Drive,Urangan,4655
  • End location: Same as start location


  • From $110, To $120
  • Comments: Family discounts are available

More information

  • Accessibility: Actively welcomes people with access needs.
  • Online booking: Click here

Hervey Bay Whale Watch

3 Buccaneer Drive,
Hervey Bay, Fraser Coast Area
Queensland 4655

Get Directions

Content Provided By Hervey Bay Boat Club Inc


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