Cassowary Tours

Topaz, Tablelands Area


Cassowary Tours has been operating in Far North Queensland since 2003. They are an ecotourism business. Cassowary Tours specialising in bird, wildlife and general natural history tours for small groups and individuals.

They operate in one of the most exciting destinations in Australia. The Wet Tropics consisting of Cairns and the Atherton Tablelands and has the largest avifauna of any area in Australia with 15 endemic birds with more species up Cape York and over in the dry country to the west. In addition, there is a huge variety of other exciting animals that can be seen, including frogs, reptiles, butterflies, dragonflies and other insects plus a host of exciting plants many of which can only be found in this area.

Cassowary Tours expert guides love to help enjoy you the best of the beautiful area we live in, Why not join them on a day tour around the Wet Tropics or a longer accommodated tour further afield.


Tablelands Wildlife Tour

A full day guided tour that visits a variety of different habitats in the Highlands above Cairns looking at the whole range of local wildlife from birds to mammals, butterflies and other insects, reptiles and if we are lucky and depending on the time of year, frogs. The actual itinerary will vary depending on weather, time of year, animal movements and the special requests of clients. While most Australian mammals are nocturnal amongst those we hope to see on our journey are the iconic Platypus and a variety of Kangaroos including the bizarre Lumholz’s Tree Kangaroo and a roost of Flying Foxes (Fruit Bats).

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  • From $380, To $380
  • Comments: Per person. Minimum 2 people.

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  • Accessibility: Does not cater for people with access needs.

Cape York: Drive in Fly Out (DIFO)

A short seven day trip visiting two of the major bird and wildlife areas of Cape York.

Travelling from Cairns to Iron Range allows a good look at the different habitats that can be seen in this northernmost part of Australia. Mangroves, heathland, rainforest, vine forest, savannah and wetlands offer lots to look at. Iron range has a number of bird species that cannot be seen elsewhere in Australia such as the New Guinea “specials” like Eclectus Parrot, Palm Cockatoo and Yellow-billed Kingfisher and the Cape York endemics such as Golden-shouldered Parrot.

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  • End location: Aeroglen,4870


  • From $4035, To $4035
  • Comments: Per person cost based on a group size of 4 on a twin share basis. A single supplement would be $680.00. Flight from Lockhart River to Cairns would be $310.00 per person.

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  • Accessibility: Does not cater for people with access needs.

Southern Tablelands Birdwatching Tour #1 - Mid Level Sites

A full-day guided tour that visits a variety of different habitats in the Highlands above Cairns. The actual itinerary will vary depending on your pick-up point, the weather, the time of year, bird movements and the special requests of clients. This tour concentrates on exploring the mid-altitude southern Tablelands sites with an experienced guide. Depending on the clients “wish list”, there are a number of sites that can be visited. A tour for someone just out for a good days birding will be different than one for someone with a list of target species. One day's birding is not enough time to do full justice to the Tablelands, but this tour will give you a good introduction to the birds you can see in this area.

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  • From $335, To $355
  • Comments: Per person. Minimum 2 people.

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  • Accessibility: Does not cater for people with access needs.

Lunch with Platypus

A half day guided tour where we look for the iconic Duck-billed Platypus and the less well known but equally bizarre Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo. Plus a few more of the Wet Tropics specialities.

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  • From $220, To $220
  • Comments: Minimum 2 adults

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  • Accessibility: Does not cater for people with access needs.

Cassowary Tours

Topaz, Tablelands Area
Queensland 4885

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Content Provided By Cassowary Tours


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