East Coast Angling Mothership Expeditions

Port Douglas, Douglas Area


Join East Coast Angling for their ultimate expeditions aboard their 80ft mothership, where you will explore the far northern stretched of the Great Barrier Reef and outer limits of the Coral Sea in search of those dream fish.

These extended live aboard trips are the ultimate way to experience one of the worlds most diverse and well-managed fishery. While still enjoying the luxury and comfort of their mothership to end the day with a cold beverage and enjoy watching the sunset in the evenings after a great day on the water.


Mothership Trips

Join East Coast Angling for their ultimate expeditions aboard their 80ft mothership, where you will explore the far northern stretched of the Great Barrier Reef and outer limits of the Coral Sea in search of those dream fish.

These extended live aboard trips are the ultimate way to experience the worlds most diverse and well-managed fishery around. While still enjoying the luxury and comfort of their mothership to end the day with a cold beverage and enjoy watching the sunset in the evenings after a great day on the water.

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  • From $9950, To $13950
  • Comments: Our Trips range in price depanding on the location of your charter. The prices shown are a per person rate. We take up to 9 anglers on each charter.

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  • Accessibility: Does not cater for people with access needs.

East Coast Angling Mothership Expeditions

44 Wharf Street,
Port Douglas, Douglas Area
Queensland 4877

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Content Provided By East Coast Angling


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Queensland Government
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