Northern Heli-Co

Karumba, Carpentaria Area


Northern Heli-Co provides unforgettable scenic flights, heli fishing experiences, custom charter options and aerial photography throughout the Gulf of Carpentaria and Cape York areas.

The exclusive packages offer an experience like no other of bucket list adventures and memories to last a lifetime. Get in touch today to book your next experience and fly in safe hands

Helifishing Adventure & Scenic Flights

The Heli fishing half or full day Escape is for those looking to experience Barramundi fishing like nowhere else! All this adventure while taking in the breathtaking views of the Gulf region from the air. A bucket list experience for the adventure seekers.

The tour includes: ; All fishing tackle, lunch & light beverages.

Scenic Flight packages range from 10min through to 1 hour or custom options

Visit for up to date trip information and pricing

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More information

  • Accessibility: Actively welcomes people with access needs.
  • Online booking: Click here

Northern Heli-Co

Fielding Street,
Karumba, Carpentaria Area
Queensland 4891

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Content Provided By Northern Heli-Co


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Tourism and Events Queensland
Queensland Government
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