Great Sandy Biosphere

Great Sandy Strait, Fraser Coast Area


Get in touch

In 2009, the Great Sandy region was awarded Biosphere Reserve status by UNESCO, the global organisation that also awards World Heritage Listings. The decision gives world-wide recognition to the Fraser Coast region, neighbouring Gympie area and the Bundaberg coastline and puts it in the same class as the Galapagos Islands, the Central Amazon, the Everglades and Uluru.

The concept of the UNESCO's Man and Biospheres program is to protect natural resources while using them at the same time - or balancing conservation and sustainable development.

What makes the Great Sandy Biosphere so special?

Major breeding site for endangered marine turtles, oldest and largest unconsolidated sand mass in the world, 7558 recorded species of fauna and flora, declared Dugong sanctuary, RAMSAR wetlands - internationally declared feeding ground for migratory birds, critical habitat for rare and endangered species, best observable ancient dune chronological sequencing, world's largest and highest perched dune lakes, whale sanctuary and major transitory point for humpback whales on their annual southern migration.



  • Public Toilet


  • Four Wheel Driving

  • Birdwatching

  • Camping

  • Canoeing/Kayaking

  • Scuba Diving

  • Fishing

  • Snorkelling

  • Swimming

  • Walks

  • Hiking


  • Actively welcomes people with access needs.


Actively welcomes people with access needs.

Great Sandy Biosphere

Big Woody Island,
Great Sandy Strait, Fraser Coast Area
Queensland 4650

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Content Provided By Fraser Coast Tourism and Events

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