Zero Latency Gold Coast

Southport, Gold Coast Area


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Zero Latency is a free roam virtual reality system that creates an integrated studio experience for up to eight players at a time.

Put on their VR headset, strap yourself into one of their backpacks and pick up your controller.

Their VR games place you and your friends inside virtual worlds in a 200 square metre arena located in Southport on the Gold Coast.

Once in, you're free to move around and explore as you please comfortably and naturally, just like you do in the real world.

You're completely untethered. There aren't any wires or walls to get in the way of your virtual reality adventures.

Special Rate

Midweek Madness

$10 off VR sessions (per person) Tuessday- Thursday!

Price: $49.00

save $10!

Sale ends 31 Jul 2025

Claim Deal

Available at Zero Latency Gold Coast only. Valid for bookings Tuesday - Thursday. Not valid during Qld school holiday periods. Valid for groups of up to 8 people. Not to be used for group events. Regular booking terms apply.

Available at Zero Latency Gold Coast only. Valid for bookings Tuesday - Thursday. Not valid during Qld school holiday periods. Valid for groups of up to 8 people. Not to be used for group events. Regular booking terms apply.

In game

Zero Latency Gold Coast

34 Smith Street Motorway,
Southport, Gold Coast Area
Queensland 4215

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Content Provided By Zero Latency Gold Coast



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