Kroombit Tops National Park Camping

Tablelands, Gladstone Area


Get in touch

Kroombit Tops offers you the chance to get back to nature and camp without facilities, away from phones and technology, in small camping areas with fire-rings but no other facilities.

The Wall and Griffith Creek camping areas are flat open grassy areas near the creek. The Razorback camping area is a secluded small camping area in a tall blackbutt forest setting.

Camping permits are required and fees apply. A tag with your booking number must be displayed at your campsite. Book your campsite and purchase your camping permit in advance. Bookings can be made on-line, over the counter or by phone.

Take a bushwalk and explore forests on four-wheel-drive roads. See the remains of a World War Two Liberator bomber that crashed at Kroombit Tops in 1945 and remained hidden in the forest until it was discovered nearly 50 years later.



Car parking available

Open Fireplace

Open fireplace


  • Carpark

  • Open Fireplace


  • Birdwatching

  • Camping

  • Four Wheel Driving


  • Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

Grassy camping area at Kroombit Tops.

Kroombit Tops National Park Camping

Tableland Road,
via Calliope,
Tablelands, Gladstone Area
Queensland 4680

Get Directions

Content Provided By Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DESI)

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