Kuku Yalanji Cultural Habitat Tours

Cooya Beach, Douglas Area


Get in touch

Just a 15 minute drive north of Port Douglas is beautiful Cooya Beach (Kuyu Kuyu), a special place and traditional fishing grounds of the Kuku Yalanji people and home to Kuku Yalanji Cultural Habitat Tours.

If you feel it’s time to get native, join one of the Kubirri Warra brothers on their beach, mudflat and mangrove walk! Brothers, Linc and Brandon Walker follow the traditions of their ancestors by educating visitors about their traditional country on the far northeast coast of Australia.

This unique coastal place has three diverse ecosystems – beach, mangroves and coastal reef – that are connected to each other by the ever-changing mudflats and tidal lagoons. Today, the brothers can teach you how to throw a spear, hunt whilst stalking and observing wildlife and how to find plants used for food and medicine. They’ll also introduce you to some of their family members and share some of their extensive knowledge of this special area and how they care for their country.



  • Fishing

  • Walks


Meal preparation

Coastal Beach and Mangrove Walk

Traditional Food and Medicine Tour

Kuku Yalanji Traditional Custodian will meet with visitors to their traditional homeland on Cooya beach where they continue to practice their cultural activities and maintain their cultural heritage.

After explaining the cultural importance of this country, guides will introduce guests to their traditional fishing activity of spear throwing and handling as it is still practiced there today.

Visitors will then follow their cultural guide with a spear each along Cooya beach observing cultural medicine and food plants. The guides will then take guests along with them as they continue their daily spear fishing and gathering for their families into the mangroves and onto the mudflats.

After about an hour and a half of cultural activities and coastal walking guests will return with the guides to see Kuku Yalanji artefacts and share rare stories from their traditional land while they prepare their daily food for their families.

Find out more


  • Start location: Cooya Beach,4873
  • End location: Same as start location


  • From $110, To $110
  • Comments: Standard tours are not inclusive of the traditional hunting activity. Child (4-12years) AUD82.50 Adult AUD110.00 Private Traditional Hunting tours are available upon request and are priced at a higher rate.

More information

  • Accessibility: Does not cater for people with access needs.
  • Online booking: Click here
Coastal Beach Night Time Walk

Coastal Beach Night Time Walk

Try a night-time fishing activity with two options available – night walking and boat rowing. Night-time fishing activities are still a common traditional activity and now is your opportunity to experience it with a local family. New lighting technology is sure to make your experience one to remember.

Find out more


  • Start location: Cooya Beach,4873
  • End location: Same as start location

More information

  • Accessibility: Disabled access available, contact operator for details.
Meal preparation

Kuku Yalanji Cultural Habitat Tours

Cooya Beach, Douglas Area
Queensland 4873

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